i won the exact same lamp last year at the office christmas party, so i was pretty excited to receive these great looking grono hacks. i might try one of these hacks myself!

the first one is from joy tan and uses cute moo minicards. joy writes, "it's a simple lamp shade that slides over the top of the grono lamp. it's made of moo minicards and lomo photo clips. the lamp was a little too bright to have as a bedside table lamp, so i experimented with a few different things before deciding on moo cards.

it might work just as well with paperclips too. and, when you get tired of the images, you can swap them out. the moo-cards are laminated, so i think they may last a while with all the heat coming off the lamp."

the next four lovelies are from corina, taking the grono in 2 totally different directions. "the idea behind my work is very simple. the ones decorated with flowers are done as following: a layer of liquid glue aplied on the glass, then the flower arrangement and on top of them, a semi transparent paper.

the painted ones are done with enamel paint, i just let my fantasy to do the job, nothing special. on top i applied a liner of golden colour." link.

the last is from leena andersson, sent in by son, jon. "get a piece of 'quality' paper. cut the paper and wrap it round the lamp. make it a few cm longer at the bottom. use a transparent glue and carefully glue the paper to the lamp. fold the paper in at the bottom and glue that as well." link.

bright ideas, definitely.


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