Materials: VIKA AMON/VIKA CURRY, hinges, brackets, chipboard, rubber bushes, rope, buckles

Description: At LAN-parties, tables and space are limited. My husband and his gamer friends went table hunting at IKEA and my guy came home with two neat and price worthy tabletops "VIKA AMON" (100x60 cm) and eight "VIKA CURRY" legs.

He takes them with him every time they throw a party, but since the tables were still a bit bulky to carry, he started modifying them. The goal was to fold the table into a "portfolio", with room for the legs inside!

First he cut the tabletops in halves. The tables are hollow with cardboard inside so they needed to be reinforced, and the cut surfaces smoothed. He used chipboard for this purpose.

He then mounted hinges on the backs of the tabletop pieces. Since he wanted to store the legs inside the fold, he used brackets to extend the hinges and make more room, and he attached rubber bushes to keep the legs in place. Handles were made out of rope, and the folded table is kept folded with buckles.

The tables turned out GREAT, and they are very useful - for all types of indoor parties.

Check out the entire description at here. (in Swedish, but if you paste the link in Google translate you'll understand most of it).

See more the Foldable LAN party table

~ Sofia, Sweden


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