Materials: SPONTAN Magnetic board, sandpaper, chalkboard paint

Description: I am bad at reading the fine print. Let's just start there.

I saw the smooth SPONTAN magnet board at IKEA and assumed that because it was smooth it was a marker board as well as a magnet board. Well... you know what happens when you assume, right?

So I couldn't get the marks off the board and pretty much decided the board was junk. All I wanted was a write and magnet combination. Then I realized I had chalkboard paint in the basement left over from another project.

This hack is SUPER easy. Even a caveman could do it.

I lightly sanded the magnet board down and put three coats of chalkboard paint on it. That's it. I waited 24 hours between coats just to make sure it had enough time to dry between coats.

Works (an erases even) like a charm now!

See more of the magnetic chalkboard.

~ Crystina, Saint Paul


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