Materials: 4 Dignitet, 2 curved Dignitet, 2 Dignitet steel cables, 6 Matilda curtains

Description: Work on the ceiling:
1. Apply one Dignitet on both sides of the head of the bed.
2. Apply one curved Dignitet on both sides of the foot of the bed
3. Apply two Dignitets in the middle of the foot of the bed

Then hang the curtains on the steel cables:
4.Screw one side of one steel cable in the Dignitet on the head of the bed
5. Hang on two curtains over the cable
6. Pass the steel cable through the curved Dignitet on the foot of the bed
7. Hang on one curtain over the cable
8. Cut the steel cable to the right length
9. Screw the end of the steel cable in the Dignitet on the foot of the bed

Do the same for the other side of the bed et voila: an elegant canopy bed of which the curtains can be kept open or closed. You can choose curtains in any colour!

~ Stephanie, Belgium


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