Materials: LAMPLIG Trivet, NUMERAR Countertop

Description: Nice large wine glasses but no space to store them? Ikea's Lamplig trivet comes to the rescue. After cutting the trivet in half you can place them into anything. I had a Numerar countertop leftover, it looks pretty sleek. Stores 22 62cl wine glasses.

Some notes if you wanna make one yourself:

Make sure to cut exact halves so you can use both halves.

The grinder will leave a nasty sharp burr, make sure to file the halves well.

Drilling the holes on precise (strict tolerance) spots can be tough, but very important. I used a drill 1mm larger than the pegs diameter.

No glue needed, due to the tolerances in the trivet and in the holes in the wood, you'll get a perfect press fit.


~ Michiel Hoedemakers, Eindhoven, The Netherlands


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