Materials: 1 x EXPEDIT 2x2 shelf, 1,5x CAPITA brackets, 1x LAGAN Countertop, 1 x DIODER light strip (color)

Description: Every man dreams of owning a bar. As I was always impressed by some of the cool hacks here at IKEA hackers, I wanted to hack my own bar. So this bar is 100% IKEA.

First I had an EXPEDIT standing around in my kitchen, but it was to low and to small to be used as a real bar. So I wanted to lift it up using a Countertop and some brackets. I bought two packages of CAPITA brackets (but only used three of the four brackets, keep one until your first friend wants to copy the bar, he could use it).

I measured the top of the EXPEDIT, cut a little smaller hole in the LAGAN Countertop to leave some space for attaching the brackets (the hole is around 50cm wide in my bar).

Dissemble the EXPEDIT (or just assemble the EXPEDIT except the upper board)

Drill holes to the upper part of the EXPEDIT to attach the brackets (the hole from the bottom should be much bigger to attach the nut). Then mount the Countertop - first put it on the brackets, draw and predrill the holes for the screws and screw the brackets to the Countertop. If you have combined the EXPEDIT top and the Countertop, just assemble the EXPEDIT including the Countertop.

Fill the bar and invite me to the party.

See more of the Expedit bar.

~ .holger, Hamburg, Germany


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