Materials: Brimnes bed, Lack wall shelf, Vika Amon, Ribba ledge, Fas spotlight, Ledberg ledlights, Hampen rug

Description: Inspired by an Ikea hack by Celine "A simple and tidy headboard"

I didn't have a lot of space around the Brimnes bed, so I used the Celine's hack to create a headboard, but I used wide Ribba ledge to get space between the ledge and the edge of the Vika Amon for electrics cables.

I used Ledberg ledlights for ambiance, and bent the arms of FAS spotlight to use it for reading books.

I also used half cut Hampen rug beside the bed, and Lack wall shelf for beside table.

Finally I saved a lot of space for the door opening area, and got little storage in the headboard, with elegant aerial bedside tables.

Thanks Ikea Hack for Ideas !

Hope it could inspire you.

~ Gastan, France


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