the things we'll do for our pets. even if mine are just guppies, i understand the lengths we'll go to spoil them. so thuy's pet hack really made me smile.

"it's a a pet bed for a cat or small dog. it's something i haven't seen anyone do yet. i had this idea for about 2 years when i bought the bed and never got to paint and add a cushion until recently (2 years later and my cat finally got the stylish bed she deserves, though it seems she prefers to sleep next to me. aw.)

the hack is very tools required:
  1. take one ikea duktig doll's bed:
  2. buy or make a cushion to fit the bed. in my case, my talented sister made the cushion with faux fur. she made it to be used as a throw pillow, but i thought it would be cute for the cat to have an animal print bed.
  3. paint bed any color. i used one can of black matte paint. the cost was $1.99 at home depot. it took several coats - i used the whole can.
the project cost less than $30, and a couple days (of not actual work, but to allow coats of paint to dry thoroughly.)"


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