eric of modernself started this project to deal with a very common problem: terrible kitchen lighting. a problem i have too. sigh.

"like most people, my kitchen lighting was awful and consisted of just one dome lamp in the middle of the ceiling. the other possible option is the ugly fluorescent recessed lighting that most kitchens seem to have.

with my situation the problem was just not having enough light. if you are in the fluorescent situation, you might have ample light, but with a terrible harsh color. this project solves both problems. i got a nice diffuse light that will really light up my kitchen, great color rendering, and it is dimmable (unlike fluorescents)," writes eric.

eric bought a sova flat sheet at ikea for $10 and 4 hemma cord sets at $4 a piece. then, picked up a few boards at his local hardware store. some hot gluing later, he mounted this diffused light panel and put an end to kitchen lighting woes. [eric's instructions]


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