presenting pamela's break-up sofa. the boyfriend's gone but she's still in love with nikkala.

"I'm a busy 33 year old artist living in a tiny house with 3 rambunctious kitties. This is my beloved couch:

This is a Nikkala couch and this is how I present it to friends... except with 'mood lighting'. The throw covers the arm rest which my cats have torn up beyond hope.

I bought this at Ikea in 2001. I had just moved into a lovely loft apartment with my boyfriend at the time. The apartment, unfortunately was built so that it was impossible to move our old furniture in, which was fine, as it was my parent's basement hand-me-down floral printed monstrosity of a couch. So, we went out to search for more compact furniture and Ikea was ideal. Ikea is half an hour away from where we live. We travelled up there, picked out this couch and arranged for delivery on the day that we moved in. We liked it because it was comfortable, it was high backed which was conducive to lounging, and it had a cool name. Say it with me... Nikkaaaaaaaaala... it sounds sexy.

The Nikkala was bigger than we thought. The movers had to use super strength and acrobatics to bring it up the steep fire escape of the house and through the fire escape exit and even then it was a close fit through the door. The couch was moved in safely and we enjoyed it and the loft for two years until we broke up (I'm pretty sure it happened on this couch).

In the break up, he got the car, and I got the furniture. As soon as I could, I took a big step and purchased my very first house by myself. So, we had to do the whole crazy move again with the couch, down those same steep fire escape stairs.

I've been slowly fixing up my house and decorating it to my tastes as time and money allow. I've been hesitant to replace the couch because I still think it's so comfortable. It's perfect for lounging on, watching television or squeezing all my friends on at parties. And it's also great for friends and family to crash on for when they visit from out of town. I've even crashed on it from time to time after spending late nights watching T.V. and as far as sofas go, this is pretty comfortable to sleep on.

However, through repeated washings, parties, my cats and other unfortunate accidents (my bathtub leaked, which soaked through the floors and onto the couch in the living room beneath it), it's really beginning to show it's age. There are water stains from the ceiling leak on it. The colour on the seats have faded from wear. My cats have had their way with it time and time again.

I have considered finding another slip cover for the couch but to my dismay I found out that Ikea had discontinued the Nikkala awhile ago and slip covers were not available for it anymore. I've been entertaining the notion of getting one custom made but I couldn't afford the money or the time to find a good upholstery shop who can do it for me. Then I found Bemz, which really made me happy because now there was a chance that I could keep this awesome couch and fix her up so she's good as new again.

This couch has been with me through some of the best and worst times in my life. This couch has seen danger, excitement, heartbreaks, first kisses, friendship, and fun. I would hate to have to let it go just because of a few tears and stains on the surface. However, it's time for the old ratty blue slip cover to go now, as it also represents a different time in my life and I need new colours to represent the present and possibly the future. So with that in mind, this is the Bemz slipcover I'd like for it:

I honestly could not decide on one colour or pattern. The "Symmetry - Light Olive Green" won out because it's a fun pattern and it would go well with my new style and colour scheme. I would not let the cats wreck it like they did the last one and I'd be so good to it like it would be good for me."

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