the lack carnival continues. we move on to the lack shelves. i've always loved the floating shelves - neat, uncluttered and available in my favourite red. only problem is, you probably can't put more than a few books and decorative items without it crashing down. let's see what ikea hackers have done to the wall shelf.

bedside storage
isabelle had an issue finding bedsides to fit her bedroom width. the standard malm bedside tables were too wide. so after looking for several options she decided to use 2 lack stand alone shelves behind the bed. it's in the same color and style as her malm headboard. easy to install and really effective.

bedside storagetattoo your lack
sara danielsson, an interior architect and designer in gothenburg, sweden sends me her ikea lack shelves with burned-in tattoos.

lack wall shelves with tattooslack wall shelves with tattoosthe shelves were exhibited at Liljevalchs V�rsalongen Formbart 2005 and at the Furniture fair in Stockholm Sweden 2004.

she says, "the idea is that ready-made products are icons of creativity from a few and instead i want to promote the power of creativity in everyone. i add a new meaning to the shelf by giving the skin of the object burned-in tattoos, that last forever. a step towards emotional sustainability in a fast world."

massive lack shelf bookcase
and here, tine engineers this massive bookcase out of lack shelves and adds vertical reinforcements to hold the weight.

big bookcaseshe says, "when we were looking for shelving systems for our new apartment we liked the floating lack shelves best. but even with being extremely creative in order to hit the studs, i realized that they would never hold all of our books without bending or crashing. so i got some blond wood from the lumberyard and cut it into pieces to slide between the shelves. for the most part gravity holds it all together and the woodpieces are still movable. people assume that it's a whole shelving system and nobody suspects ikea!"

related hacks:
- lack hacks series #1: same table, different styles
- lack hacks series #2: just as versatile the lack shelving unit


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