That's right. Why limit Ikea hacking to your home? Bring it to the drab, grey corporate world too. Maria, a graphic designer, needed to surround herself with inspiration, so she took it to task with a few Ikea tablecloths.

She says, "Real simple so the pictures pretty much explain themselves. I really needed something to spice up my cube when my company decided to move us into 6x6 cubes. As a graphic designer in a corporate world, I really needed something to keep me inspired. Not staring at plain cube walls all day really helps me get through the day much faster. It really doesn't feel like a cube at all now.

The walls are covered in a picnic table cover (not found on website) I bought for 99 cents or something ridiculous like that at Ikea. Then added a few touches to make it more like home. The lamp, vase, mirror, clock, blanket and monitor stand are also from Ikea.

I have to say this cost me very little and had a very big impact."

View more of Maria's cube makeover.


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