Just plonking your Blackberry on your dresser nestled in a trail of cords? No way for Hrishikesh. This has to be the zen of Blackberry charging. It's a simple tweak but a solution a Blackberry user may find useful.

Hrishikesh says, "I�ve always been annoyed by my phone charger. I keep the cord out of sight behind a dresser, but when the phone is unplugged, the cord ends up on the ground and I have to fumble around for it. I also don�t love how the phone looks when it just hangs out atop my dresser � it looks kind of unconsidered and messy. I wanted to make a little spot to keep it, but I don�t have anything in the way of woodworking skills. I did discover, though, that an Ikea Molger soap dish fits my Blackberry perfectly and goes well with my teak dresser. I added rubber grip feet to the bottom of the soap dish so it doesn�t slide around the dresser top (otherwise the cord can pull it). Then I added cut small strips of Velcro and affixed them to the end of the charger and the top of the dish, for when I�m using the phone. That�s it! I�m so happy to have found a very inexpensive solution that was easy to make and looks good with my stuff, and so I wanted to share."


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