Not quite a hack but Carmen highlights the situation in Haiti and how Ikea tents were used as temporary shelter by the La Maison des Anges in Tabarre, Port au Prince.

She writes, "Basically, as you know several orphanages found themselves in the streets after the earthquake and for 5 or 6 days, 40 kids at La Maison des Anges in Tabarre, Port au Prince, slept in Ikea play tents in a courtyard, before they got proper Red Cross tents."

The rains are about to pour but the debate is still going on ...

whether tarps or tents will provide the protection from the elements.

Carmen adds, "Frankly, I'm at a lost on this subject, for I think neither tarps nor tents will provide the protection Haitians need against heavy rain and tornadoes and cyclones during the rain season.

From what I've read, they won't be able to distribute enough of both on time. Their beef with tents is that it takes more space to set them up and they already have a problem with that. I still think tents are a tad better than tarps! All of it is heartbreaking. If you want to take the time, relief web situation reports are telling.

Just so you know, all but 3 or 4 of the kids at La Maison des Anges have foreign parents and should be home before the rain starts. They are working hard on making the main house habitable, they should be ok. Unfortunately, it's not the case for most people. I also like Habitat for Humanity which has done long term housing work in Ha�ti."

If you wish to donate a tent, you can do so here.


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