Materials: Vika Alex, Revoltec PC-fans, ruler, jigsaw, Codegen 350w PSU

1. Mod the PSU by short-circuiting it so you don't have to make an on/off-switch. Then cut away all of the cables that you don't need and make it look somewhat more beautiful by using regular electrical tape.

2. Check the fans are working. Check!

3. Cut out some holes for the fans in your Vika Alex, and then install them. Yeah, do that.

4. Put some white electrical tape on the sharp edges, it's actually neater than you might think!

5. Get your stuff in there again, with routers and stuff on the lower floor - and your very expensive MacBook Pro on the upper floor. Now it has very good cooling - and you can hide it away so you don't have to have all of those annoying cables on your desk.

6. Be awesome!

See more of the Alex cooling box.

~ Jesper Karlsson, Sweden


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