IKEA PS MASKROS, Copic Markers

Description: I loved the IKEA PS MASKROS in the store, but I found it wanting, especially since I am in love with Verner Panton's VP Globe Lamp designed in 1969.

Besides, this lamp offers the perfect opportunity to accent your existing decor in a completely custom way, AND it is easy (although a bit time consuming).

1. Buy the lamp. I was not as impressed with the smaller MASKOS version, something with the proportions seem off, so I strongly suggest going big or going home. Enough said.

Note: I have a very mod, Mid-Century-meets-Pantonia sensibility, and I love color. I used at least three different Copic markers in each of four color families - yellow, orange, pink and purple (or ocre, vermillion, fushia and lavender if you want to get all J. Crew about it).

3. Color your heart out - there are like a million of the little tyvek "flowers" on this lamp, so expect it to take awhile, also, I used the marker on both sides to give the lamp a more finished look.

4. Voila!

Now I don't mean to toot my own horn here, but I recently had all the furnishings and items in my loft appraised (total nightmare of a divorce), and the appraiser who has quite the impressive pedigree priced the lamp at $1,500. It has been, by far the highlight of the whole experience.

~ Darra Bishop, Los Angeles, CA


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