Materials: Expedit 5x1, Capita Legs *8

Description: A relatively simple hack, basically we were looking around for a long entertainment unit but on a budget. Everything we found was either too gaudy or just really expensive. The idea was to get an Expedit shelving unit and turn it sideways and put some feet on it to raise it off the carpet.

I put together the Drawers and Doors you can purchase separately for the unit, then put the main Expedit together.

Screwed in 8 Capita legs (from the kitchen section as these are for pantries etc) on the bottom and turned it up the right way.

The hole is left in the middle for consoles and the network connected TV/movie viewing device so the remotes all work.

Very simple and i think looks better than any of the other options we could find out there.

~ Blake, Perth, Australia


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