Materials: Ikea Rast 3 drawer dresser, jig saw, sander, annie sloan chalk paint, minwax grey water based stain, stencils

Description: 1. Assemble Rast dresser

2. Draw hand holes on center of drawer. mine were 2" H x 3.5" W

3. Cut out holes with jig saw

4. Sand around the corners to round out the edges

5. Using Annie Sloan's Napoleon Blue chalk paint, stencil numbers, letters, or whatever you desire

6. Using minwax water based stain in grey, brush on some stain and quickly wipe it off with a rag

7. Apply Annie Sloan's dark wax and quickly wipe off with a rag

8. If using the dresser in a child's room or in earthquake territory, be sure to secure the dresser to the wall!

Sit back, relax, enjoy your $40 Ikea hack, and brag to your pals how you've saved $1440 by making your own hack instead of paying full retail.

See more of the industrial Rast.

~ meesh


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