Materials: Black Lack shelves in 43" and 12"

Description: I found this beautiful bookcase online for over $1100 and decided to recreate it. We started with 5 of the black Lack shelves in the 43" and 4 of the 12" length (you won't need the metal piece that comes on the back). The chrome posts are actually square hollow towel bars from a big box store. We chose to add a bottom shelf that was not in the inspiration piece.

Steps to build:
1. Starting from the bottom, we drilled 3 holes and inserted wooden pegs and glue to attach the 12" shelf vertically to the left edge of the long shelf.
2. We drilled 2 holes 8" away from the right edge. We cut the towel bars to the exact height of the 12" Lack. We used a square wooden dowel a little longer than that and sanded the ends to be rounded. We stuck the rounded ends in the holes with glue and slid the towel bar over the dowel.

3. Repeat steps to the top.
4. Attach L brackets to the back to give extra support to the corners.
5. The most important part is to measure, measure, measure!

~ Laurie, Cedar Park, TX


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