Materials: 3 Lack side tables, power glue, 8 plastic floor tiles

Description: We needed a rack to store our logs next to the fireplace, but the existing models were either too small or too expensive. That's how we decided to use some hacking...

Before assembling the first two Lack tables, we covered the undersides of the tables with 4 plastic tiles each(to hide the brownish colour and protect the surface from scratches). Plastic tiles are easy to adjust to the right size : you just use a cutter and snap it, like chocolate.

Then we made 4 holes in the tiles (2,5 cm from each edge, it's easy to locate) to make space for the screws before assembling the feet to the board, as usual.

We placed the first table upside down, put some glue on its feet and glued the second table (also upside down) on top of the first one. From the third table, we only used the board, which we also glued on top of the second table (no plastic tile covering needed for this one).

~ Mathilde Bruneau, France


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