Materials: PAX, wood, drill ,curtain rod,curtain, wall plugs and screws

Description: I loved the PAX wardrobe range but it was too expensive and not big enough.

Plus I hate having sliding doors on my wardrobe as you can't see all the clothes at once.

So I set about my challenge

1. I measured the height and width of my space.

2. I listed my requirements e.g. whether I need more long hanging space or short hanging space.

3. The PAX hanging rails come in 3 sizes 50cm, 75cm or 100cm so I divide my space using these measurements.

4. I bought two pieces of wooden melamine panels and four wooden battens that were all up to ceiling height.

5. I screw the battens to the wall (after pre-drilling and installing wall plugs) and slid the wooden melamine panels in-between.

6. I then used the pax wardrobe rails to create the storage.

and voila, it was done!

I completed my design by installing a full curtain track across the front and adding some beautiful full length voile curtains for the Goddess effect!

~ wisewoman365, london


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