Materials: Expedit bookcases, Sultan Luroy slats


Step 1. Trawl endless furniture shops looking for a cheap, portable bed frame with lots of storage. Impossible!

Step 2. A friend suggested stealing milk crates to use as a frame - far too much effort trying to track enough down!

Step 3. A quick search for "milk-crate" inspiration found this but I thought it was way too high so investigated a few other options, meanwhile, still sleeping on the floor :(

Step 4. Ikea just brought out a single-layer version of the Expedit, so this was very straightforward to construct. i.e. build 2 bookshelves, space them apart, lay the slats on top. Done!

I expect I will have to fasten the slats down more securely (currently held with masking tape on strips of cardboard) and the bookcases aren't quite as long as the bed so I'm going to build another box to go under the end of the mattress for more support, but it's a vast improvement on what I had before.

So for $268, I now have a bed frame I can transport in a small car, carry up 3 flights of stairs on my own and store heaps of junk in it!

~ Jill, Sydney


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