Materials: Ikea Vika Annefors, Ikea Vika Amon, Ikea Capita Legs

Description: I like to cook and have amassed a large collection of cookbooks over the years. We had been looking for a way to make a Recipe Bar and/or Kitchen Planning Desk for a while, but we didn't want to spend a lot of money. This is where the IKEA as-is section came to the rescue.

We started with the Vika Annefors storage piece and simply elevated it to bar height by attaching Capita legs. Then we attached the Vika Amon tabletop. The tabletop was cut short to our desired length and then a 2x2 was used as a ledger board to secure it on the wall.

Ta-da! Instant planning desk and recipe storage! Thanks to the as-is section, we spent a grand total of $60 on this project. We still need to add some trim and finishing touches, but we still really really love it.

~ Heather Conley, Newport, KY


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