Trofast as bunk bed steps

Materials: Kura, Trofast, bits of wood railings

Description: I needed to figure a way to save space in my girls bedroom but the problem with the Kura bed we had was that my daughters could not climb up or down the ladder to get into or out of the bed.

Trofast as bunk bed steps

We bought a Trofast storage unit as a replacement for the stairs. It worked great! They could both climb up and down into the bed but to make it safer we added some railing to the Trofast unit.

Trofast as bunk bed steps

We bought 3 posts from the hardware store and cut them down to size, screwed them onto the sides of the unit. Cut the railing to size and attached it to the posts and the bed. We also screwed the Trofast to the Kura bed to make it more sturdy and stable.

We love it and hope you do too.

~ Grace S, Victoria, Australia


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