Materials: Ikea toy wagon, decorative paper, water spritzer, mod podge, brayer

Description: We love IKEA toys and love playing with them, but this pulley with building blocks we got as a gift just wasn't working for us. The blocks were always scattered around the apartment and besides a few failed attempts to use the wagon as a riding toy we really didn't know what to do with it. I hate throwing away anything made out of wood and so I decided to make it into a serving tray. The process is very easy and if you ever decoupaged anything it really is a no brainer.

If you haven't well this is what you do:
Clean the surface of the wagon, measure and cut out all the sides according to the wagon. Put a layer of Mod Podge on the surface, then spray your decorative paper with water (don't soak it! Make it just about damp), place the paper carefully onto the surface and use your brayer to get rid of all the air bubbles. Carry on with the same process side by side,leave it to dry and put another layer of the Mod Podge to finish it all off.

Voila! Got yourself a new tray. I can't wait to use it for kids birthdays and parties.

See more of the serving tray from IKEA wagon.

~ Elvira Vida, Brooklyn, NY


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