DVDs, CDs are like roaches - they multiply in the dark and before you know it - you have 3 boxes of media that need a space. It's not always easy to get the right media unit to fit your needs but thankfully, there's IKEA hacking to the rescue. Here are some ideas for managing your precious media.

Maximise storage
Find a suitable cabinet with enough space for your entire collection. Hack one like this, this or nail it with this double whammy to maximize the number of DVDs stored.

Line them up
Perfectly lined DVDs minimise the cluttered look. But deeper bookcases like the Expedit may pose a problem when you want your DVDs to pose in a row. Here's a simple trick to keep them standing in attention: add a cardboard stopper to the space behind your DVDs.

Double up
If space is at a premium, don't waste any. If your unit allows, have two instead of a single row of DVDs. But then, how do you see what's lurking in the back row? All it takes is 5 minutes with this hack to give the second row a lift. Problem solved.

Hide them
You may not want your DVDs in-your-face. Find creative ways to hide them or store them in an out-of-the-way nook.

Trash them
Admit it, there are some movies you'll never see again and probably even regret buying the DVD. Sell them off or give them away. Clutter gone. Or if you swing towards the tech-wizard thing, digitize your media.

Rent instead
Quit the buying habit - rent your next movie and never have to deal with DVD storage again.

See more media storage ideas


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