Glass Lamp Makeover

Materials: GRONO Table lamp, calico print cloth, ribbon, high temp hot glue gun

1. At your discretion, measure cloth to fit the height and perimeter of the lamp. Mine leaves a little glass showing on top and bottom, but wraps completely around the perimeter with a slight overlap.

2. Apply a thin line of hot glue on the top and bottom edges and attach ribbon. Do the same for the side edges making sure that these ribbons can overlap.

3. Wrap the cloth piece tautly around the lamp; I put scotch tape over the top edge to hold it in place.

4. Now apply a thin strip of hot glue to one ribbon and overlap the other and...

Voila! My old, cracked lamp has a new outfit. The cloth can slide on and off, so you can make multiple covers for your lamp. Enjoy!

~ Cara, San Francisco


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