Sea Glass GRONO Lamp

Materials: GRONO Table Lamp, Sea Glass, Glue, Grout

Description: My wife has been collecting sea glass for a year or so. We go to specific beaches where the glass can be found and she spends hours sifting through sand and rocks to find all the good pieces.

By far the most abundant sea glass is white. Since we have a lot of it, I came up with the idea of making a lamp with some of the less rare pieces.

On a recent trip to Ikea, we found the GRONO table lamp in frosted glass that looked perfect for the project.

Sea Glass GRONO Lamp

Sea Glass GRONO Lamp

Sea Glass GRONO Lamp

Sea Glass GRONO Lamp

Step one was to glue the sea glass on. Weldbond is non-toxic and it does get on your hands, so that's what I used. This was the most painstaking process.

After letting the glue dry for 24 hours, I used a sanded grout to fill in the space between the glass. I've had lots of experience tiling floors, so I used the techniques I learned there to apply and smooth the grout.

~ Calvin Gehlen


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