Molger audio rack

Materials: 2x Molger benches (birch), Parts Express speaker spikes, 4x 5/16" dowels, glue

Description: I have been looking for a stereo rack for quite some time. It seems the size i was looking for is unusual. I was inspired by the recently featured Lack rack. Nice, but not quite what I was looking for. While researching, I came across a audio journalist that used Ikea Molger benches without modification as equipment racks. I figured with a little Ikea hacking I could get what I have been looking for.

Molger audio rack
Molger audio rack
Molger audio rack
Molger audio rack

This hack starts with 2 Molger benches. Each bench comes with 2 sides with legs and 2 shelves. With a circular saw, I cut 3" off the legs of one bench and cut off the top 6" of the 2nd bench. I attached the 6" section to the top of the 1st bench. I drilled short holes in the mating surfaces of that joint, and joined it with a dowel and glue for strength. Once the sides were dry, I assembled the unit as you normally would but with one extra shelf. Lastly I added spikes to the feet for a little audiophile cred.

I am pleased with how it looks. The wood looks much better than the picture on the website. More like maple than pine.

Note: the space for components is 30" wide, not enough for two standard components side by side but it works for what I have.

~ Danny, NJ


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