Materials: Duktig, 4" Trofast, hammer and 1 nail

This is really simple!

Build Duktig and leave out the base board.

The 4" tall Trofast fits in it perfectly side to side. (Trofast 16.5" x 11.75" x 4")

Put holes in the bottom of Trofast with a hammer and large nail or use a drill.

Fill Trofast with potting soil and then plant with flowers.

Place Trofast inside Duktig.

You're done!

If you want to get more creative: paint or stain your Duktig and seal it with an outdoor varnish. Trofast comes in a bunch of colors so you could match everything.

If you want to get more complicated: Duktig's length is about 3" longer than Trofast, so you could cut and drill the two length boards for a perfect fit. I did not do this.

(I had used my Duktig as a doll bed previously, that's why there's glue marks where the base board had been.)

~ Carmina Caballes, San Diego


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