Materials: Expedit, betydlig

Description: Super simple hack, but I'm proud of myself for getting it done. My Expedit has been an eye-sore in my living room for the past month or so. It has everything in besides books; my dog's food/snacks, baking dishes, shoes, craft items etc. I've been looking for different ways to cover it up; Expedit inserts, boxes but I didn't feel like buying 8 of those suckers. Finally, I stopped by Ikea and found a cheap curtain rod, and brackets and hung a curtain.

1. I nailed the brackets with a drill. They're adjustable too. Super easy installation.
2. I painted the originally silver rod, brown, to match.
3. I bought 2 yards of fabric from JoAnn's, cut them, and glued the edges down (because I'm not a sewer)
4. Once the glue dried, hung it up on the rings.

See more of the Expedit curtain cover up.

~ CeeCee, San Francisco


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